Six Meter Club of Chicago


Gold metal label Customer premium service and support icon or symbol isolated on white background. Vector illustration
The Six Meter Club of Chicago(SMCC) promotes interest in the Amateur Radio Service by fostering activity on all radio bands(HF, VHF, and UHF), provides emergency communications, community radio services, and technical assistance related to radio and its use in communications.

Our Club Activities click on one to learn more
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Check Out our NEW Apparel Vendor
The Club does not make anything from the sales
The Publicity from Showing Off your Apparel

A Message from the President
Please be advised that the Six Meter Club of Chicago (SMCC) will not be having a Club meeting in July or August 2024. We will resume our regular membership meeting in September on Friday the 13th, 2024 at 7:30 pm at St. Johns Lutheran Church, located on the S/W corner of 47th Street & Brainard Avenue in La Grange.

Please check into our nets on the 3 K9ONA repeaters. Go to for details and repeater information.

Will Sperling W9WSS
President, Six Meter Club of Chicago - SMCC K9ONA

The SMCC 2024 Dues are $25
Please Submit your Dues to
Craig Lundt N9CGL
P.O. Box 55
Downers Grove IL.  60515

Do you have something you would like to share? 

Did you build an antenna or some equipment? 

Do you know someone who did a presentation that we should see?

Why not present it at the Six Meter Club of Chicago monthly meeting. 

We are looking for new programs to present to the club. 

Send an email with your idea to:  "secretary(at)"

We will give you more than 15 minutes of fame!